This section of the website is brought to you by a group of passionate theatre technical folk who have realised that much of their heritage is being discarded and replaced with new technologies.
We’ve started gathering together other interested parties, and are now cataloguing and logging equipment which is still in existence, with a view to finding ways to display it and enable folk to visit it and reflect on where current technologies first emerged, and how they have evolved (or been forgotten) over time.

We’d love you to help us on our endeavours.

Members of the Backstage Heritage Group at present:

  • David Fitch
  • Shane Guy
  • Rob Halliday
  • Jim Laws
  • Chris Nicholls
  • Jon Primrose
  • Jane Thornton
  • Robin Townley
  • Jason Williams

This group is hoping to catalogue much of the old kit that remains in and around entertainment venues around the world, with a view to making it visible and, in some cases, functional once more.
Our model will be a distributed museum where the entire collection can be viewed online, and exhibits can be visited in venues, meeting rooms, waiting rooms, pubs and foyers around the world.
More information to follow