Equipment Category – Date

Control - Manual - 

View in Alphabetical Order
Magnetic Clutches with Manual Drive  (Strand  (1930)
Light Console  (Strand  (1935 - 1955)
Revolutionary lighting control, based on a Compton organ console, giving the operator a view of the stage for the first time. 
Delicolor  (Furse Theatre Products  (1946 - ?)
Remote Control – Electronic (Thyratron)  (Strand  (1949 - 1956)
Chromolux (v2)  (Strand  (1953 - )
Provides a range of preset colours by mixing either the three primary or secondary colours.

Controls remote automatic dimmers via a low voltage control cable. 
SR / System SR  (Strand  (1953 - )
All electric remote control (8, 18, 24, 36 or 54 dimmers)
PR / System PR  (Strand  (1955)
Electro-mechanical remote control with two presets
C / System C  (Strand  (1956)
Similar to CD, but for more than 160 circuits.
CD / System CD  (Strand  (1956)
Electro-mechanical remote control (120 channel)
C-I System  (Century  (1956?)
Century-Izenour System
Theatron  (Century  (1960?)
LC / System LC  (Strand  (1961)
All electric remote control with one preset (48, 72 or 96 dimmers)
CRD / System CRD  (Strand  (1963)
All-electric preset remote control (60,90,120,180,210 or 240 dimmers)
C-AE - System C-AE  (Strand  (1964)
AE stands for All-Electric.
JP Series  (Strand  (1965 - 1975)
20/40/60 channels
LP / System LP (Luminous Preset)  (Strand  (1966)
& Lightset
SP Series  (Strand  (1966 - 1979)
20,30,40 channel 2-preset in table / wall-mount desk.
40,60,80 channel 3-preset in seated desk.
Mini T Control Desk  (Strand  (1970)
Mini 2 Control Desk  (Strand  (1971)
Compact control desk for 36, 30, 24, 18, 12 or 6 channels.
Threeset  (Strand  (1971)
Three presets for 60, 80, 100 or 120 dimmers
Series PM  (Thorn Lighting  (1972?)
2/3/4 scene preset systems
Series SM  (Thorn Lighting  (1972?)
2 / 3 Preset manual control
Lightmaster 601  (Zero 88  (1973)
Lightset  (Strand  (1973 - 1974)
Discodesk  (Strand  (1974?)
Discoplus  (Strand  (1976)
6 or 18 channel kinetic desk
Micro 8 / Micro8II  (Strand  (1976)
Rockboard  (Electrosonic  (1977)
Group selection, pin matrix programming, touch button chaser options. 
AMC Advanced Manual Control Desk  (Strand  (1977 - 1984)
20,30,40-120 max channels 3 presets, 9 groups
First console to perform a dipless crossfade
8100 Series  (Avolites  (1977 - 1988)
Microset  (Green Ginger  (1979)
Cabaret  (Thorn Lighting  (1979?)
20 channel club type control desk
Club 20  (Thorn Lighting  (1979?)
10 or 20 channel 2 scene preset control
Disco  (Thorn Lighting  (1979?)
GM Series  (Thorn Lighting  (1979?)
40-120 way 2 or 3 scene preset control.
Multiway  (Electrosonic  (1979?)
Tempus / Tempus 2G  (Strand  (1980)

6,12,18,24,30,36 channels

Lever Set  (Dynamic Technology Ltd / DTL  (1982)
2 scene preset. 6,12,18,24,30 channels. 
Celebrity  (Strand  (1985 (tbc))
Electrocontrols desk acquired by Strand following the takeover of the company.
FX Control Desk  (Arri  (1987)
FX12, FX24, FX36
Reflection  (Electronic Theatre Controls / ETC  (1990s)
DMX Backup Console
LX  (Strand  (1991)
12,18,24 channels, 2 preset. 
Bolero  (ADB  (1992)
Manual Effects Lighting Desk
Level  (Zero 88  (1993)
Range of manual desks from 6 to 24 channels
Level 6 DMX  (Zero 88  (2000)
100 Series Manual Control Desk  (Strand  (2002 - 2010)
Juggler  (Zero 88  (2005)
12/24 channels. 2 preset manual operation with timed crossfade.
100 Plus Series Console  (Strand  (2010)
12 channel, 2 preset with hold function, effects, split crossfaders with time fade.
Sixer  (Strand  (2011)
6-way console with Grand Master.
