Control - Manual -
> View in Alphabetical Order
Light Console (Strand) (1935 - 1955)
Revolutionary lighting control, based on a Compton organ console, giving the operator a view of the stage for the first time.
Revolutionary lighting control, based on a Compton organ console, giving the operator a view of the stage for the first time.
Chromolux (v2) (Strand) (1953 - )
Provides a range of preset colours by mixing either the three primary or secondary colours.
Controls remote automatic dimmers via a low voltage control cable.
Provides a range of preset colours by mixing either the three primary or secondary colours.
Controls remote automatic dimmers via a low voltage control cable.
CRD / System CRD (Strand) (1963)
All-electric preset remote control (60,90,120,180,210 or 240 dimmers)
All-electric preset remote control (60,90,120,180,210 or 240 dimmers)
SP Series (Strand) (1966 - 1979)
20,30,40 channel 2-preset in table / wall-mount desk.
40,60,80 channel 3-preset in seated desk.
20,30,40 channel 2-preset in table / wall-mount desk.
40,60,80 channel 3-preset in seated desk.
Rockboard (Electrosonic) (1977)
Group selection, pin matrix programming, touch button chaser options.
Group selection, pin matrix programming, touch button chaser options.
AMC Advanced Manual Control Desk (Strand) (1977 - 1984)
20,30,40-120 max channels 3 presets, 9 groups
First console to perform a dipless crossfade
20,30,40-120 max channels 3 presets, 9 groups
First console to perform a dipless crossfade
Celebrity (Strand) (1985 (tbc))
Electrocontrols desk acquired by Strand following the takeover of the company.
Electrocontrols desk acquired by Strand following the takeover of the company.
100 Plus Series Console (Strand) (2010)
12 channel, 2 preset with hold function, effects, split crossfaders with time fade.
12 channel, 2 preset with hold function, effects, split crossfaders with time fade.