Equipment Category – Date

Avolites - All Dated Products on Archive

View in Alphabetical Order
LD Dimmers  (1976)
First Avolites product
8100 Series  (1977 - 1988)
FD Dimmers  (1978)
Hippodrome Control Desk  (1980s)
Custom one-off control system for the London Hippodrome
Ultrachase  (1982)
QM500 Lighting Control  (1983 - ?)
90/180 channel memory lighting desk
Rolacue  (1984)
GelJet  (1988)
Precept  (1988)
Microcomputer Lighting Desks
QM500-TD / QM500T  (1989)
Theatre Desk version of the popular QM500 rock desk
Rolacue Pearl / Rolacue Sapphire  (1992)
Diamond II  (1993)
ART4000 Dimmer  (1995)
Graphic Tablet  (1995?)
Azure  (1996)
Diamond 3  (1996)
Focus Finder  (1998)
Sapphire 2000  (1998)
Pearl 2000  (1999)
ART2000  (2000)
Azure 2000  (2000)
Diamond 4  (2001)
Ai Q3 Server  (2018)
Diamond 9  (2021)
