B joined Strand in 1935 and Fred Bentham regularly spoke highly of him in his writings.

1948: Some Advice on Stage Lighting

In 1947, Mr Bear just returned to Strand from the war wrote a small black booklet of only twenty pages to summarise his approach to the art of stage lighting. Published “anon” in accordance with the policy of the time the booklet was later enlarged to form a handbook on the use of Strand equipment as well. It is our fervent desire to tackle a new edition one day if only technical development would pause long enough to permit it! Meantime the original “advice” of 1947 still seems valid for those, the majority, who work with some form of proscenium. The Editor hopes that this will do something to compensate for the, to them, over concentration on open stage experiments. Readers should remind themselves that these were the days, four years before the coming of the first Patt.23 Baby Profile and of the Junior (HA) Board and ten years before Baby Fresnels could become commonplace. The amateur had very much to live on reach-me-down versions of professional practice.

Some Advice on Stage Lighting (1948)
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