Known as L.G. or L.G.A.
Third generation in stage lighting – his grandfather was master gasman at Alexandra Palace. His father, Mr G. A. Applebee, was electrician at the Gaiety Theatre.
Joined Strand Electric in 1922.
Between 1923 and 1957 he ran the West End lighting department for Strand Electric.
In 1929, he wrote an article ‘Stage Lighting: Its Application in the Modern Kinema’.
In 1945, he became one of the directors of Strand Electric.
In 1946 he delivered a lecture ‘The Evolution of Stage Lighting’ at the Royal Society of Arts.
In 1948 he delivered a lecture ‘Coloured Lighting and Directional Lighting as Applied to the Stage’ to the British Kinematograph Society.
In May 1950 he delivered a paper ‘Stage Lighting in the Post-War Theatre in Great Britain’ to the British Kinematograph Society.
Retired at the end of 1957.
L.G.A. wrote a number of articles for TABS over the years.