Dates: March 1871 – present
The Royal Albert Hall was built to fulfil the vision of Prince Albert (Queen Victoria’s consort) of a ‘Central Hall’ that would be used to promote understanding and appreciation of the Arts and Sciences. The Hall is a Grade I Listed building; and has been in continuous use since it was opened in March 1871.
1971 (from The Stage Guide)
Electrics: Strand (Special) board in SL box 3 tiers up from stage. Dimmers – 54 x 2kW; 2 manual and 1 mechanical presets. Socket type – 15A BESA. Circuits – Stage dips 4; Galleries 54; Roof 54. Total capacity available – 108kW on 3 phases. Special effects supply – 300A on each of 3 phases.
Sound: Console – 16 channel mixer in SL box. 5 amplifiers x 45W. No tape decks. 2 turntables. 16 mic sockets. 13 loudspeakers x 5ft columns and 2 sockets on stage.
Exhibits from this venue in the Backstage Heritage Collection

Unusual Rigging carries out essential maintenance at the Royal Albert Hall ahead of post-COVID re-opening (July 2020)
[External Website]