UK – Blackpool – Opera House

Dates: 1939 – present

Seating capacity: 2813 (1401 stalls, 758 balcony, 654 circle)

Official website:

Part of the Winter Gardens complex 

Stage Dimensions: 
110 feet wide with a proscenium opening of 45 feet;
60 feet from the curtain to the back wall
Fly tower height: 70 feet, taking up to 90 backcloths and pieces of scenery, 50 of them on counter-weighted gearing (1939 specification).
1971 The Stage Guide – ‘The stage has two large lifts in it’. Stage traps and revolves to be confirmed. 
Dressing Rooms that could accommodate 250 people. 
Raked Stage – 1 in 36. 

Lighting Controls:

  • 1938: Grand Master (90 ways) still in use in 1971. 
  • 1970s: MMS (240 channels)

Wurlitzer Organ

The Theatres Trust

Blackpool Opera House on the Theatres Trust Database

Links to information about equipment at Blackpool Opera House over the years

  • Grand Master Board (Strand)
  • MMS (Strand)
  • Documents

    Blackpool Opera House - Arthur Lloyd 
    [External Website]
    From Arthur Lloyd website

    Mentions of Blackpool Opera House in indexed documents




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