The Strand Archive


Control system for the new Parscan II designed to operate alone or to be incorporated into a Lightboard M console.

  • 99 channels
  • 250 memories
  • 32 groups
  • 12 programmable chase routines
  • 3½" disc drive for library storage
  • LED windows for display of luminaire and memory numbers
  • Trackball position control with single axis lockout.
  • Hold function for channels or groups.

Taskmaster memory control system for Showchangers, complete with disc drive, 2 metres of mains cable and 8 metres of data cable.
Part no: 76 056 42

Taskmaster control module for addition to Lightboard M - use appropriate Lightboard M catalogue number with TM suffix.

See also Parscan, Parscan II, Showchangers

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