Exhibits from this venue in the Backstage Heritage Collection

  • System CD 120 Channel
  • Links to information about equipment at Palace Theatre, London over the years

  • LD90 (Strand)
  • CD / System CD (Strand)
  • Grand Master Board (Strand)
  • Light Palette (Strand)
  • Documents

    Main Desk at the Palace Theatre.
    Main Desk at the Palace Theatre.  
    Click on thumbnail to enlarge
    [528kb  JPEG]
    From John Gray Photo Collection

    Palace Theatre - Arthur Lloyd 
    [External Website]
    From Arthur Lloyd website

    The Woman in White (November 2004)
    [2.08Mb PDF]
    From Lighting & Sound International

    LSI - Singin in the Rain (March 2012)
    [467kb PDF]
    From Lighting & Sound International

    Mentions of Palace Theatre, London in indexed journals

    Memorabilia (1978)

    A Multi-Purpose Sound System (1979)




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