> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Vision 10 / Vision Compact

Vision 10 / Vision Compact  ADB

Vision 10 Compact

Vision 10/ST
Vision 10 Compact

From Richard Pilbrow: Stage Lighting Design: The Art, The Craft, The Life
"The Vision 10 provides sophisticated integrated modular architecture control of intensity, motion, color or any other parameter. 1,024 DMX512 outputs and built-in compatibility to MIDI, SMPTE, DMX, RS 232 and RS 485.
Vision Compact: This is a smaller version of the above with DMX512, internal card reader, VGA screen and 499 macros."


Vision 10 Compact Brochure 
[724kb PDF]
From Bob Anderson Collection

Vision 10 ST Brochure 
[975kb PDF]
From Bob Anderson Collection

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