> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > FD Dimmers

FD Dimmers  (1978)

FD Dimmer (from Avolites website)

From the Avolites Technical Appendix website

In 1975 several members of a touring road crew decided to make better dimmers than those with which they were touring, which seemed to need constant mechanical repair. The dimming range they designed and manufactured became known as the "Avolites FD dimmer"
The success of FD Dimmer placed it as 'the industry standard touring dimmer'.


Lighting Control Brochure 
[3.14Mb PDF]
From Jim Laws Collection

Avolites Price List (June 1987)
[558kb PDF]
From Jim Laws Collection

Hire Price List (June 1987)
[743kb PDF]
From Jim Laws Collection

Avolites Newsletter (1994)
[1.13Mb PDF]
From Jim Laws Collection

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