> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Hippodrome Control Desk

Hippodrome Control Desk  (1980s)

Avolites Hippodrome Control

Custom one-off control system for the London Hippodrome
On the right is a full mimic for the club lighting rig, enabling the operator to see effects running.
The joystick under one of the small screens was used to control the flown speaker rig, to change the coverage of the sound system. 
The console on the left of the photo is for laser control. 
The oscilloscope is to help with pattern creation for the laser system.

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Avolites Hippodrome Control
Avolites Hippodrome Control 
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[103kb  JPEG]
Hippodrome Desk Mechanics Control Section
Hippodrome Desk Mechanics Control Section 
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[1.74Mb  JPEG]
From Adrian Osborn Collection

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