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X32 Digital Mixer  (2012)

Behringer X32 Compact

Ground-breaking Digital Mixer
From Behringer website:
"2011: When we first started development of what was to later become known as the X32 none of us had any idea where the finished product would take us. The Behringer X32 has changed the game by completely rethinking what is possible from a digital mixer – and tens of thousands of new users are enjoying the results. A fluid workflow coupled with a fully interactive user interface ensures immediate familiarity and instills confidence. Advanced engineering and meticulous design deliver stellar sonic performance at an extremely affordable price – changing the game entirely."

The design of the X32 is a collaboration between BEHRINGER and MIDAS, featuring 168 assignable inputs with 32 programmable mic preamps and 16 configurable mix buses.

The X32 made digital mixing affordable for a huge range of different types of event. 

Available in a number of variants:
Full Size (also known just as X32) - 40 channels, 32 mic inputs, 16 main outputs. 25 faders in total, backlit scribble strip, mute groups, 7 inch screen
Compact - 40 channels, 16 mic inputs, 8 main outputs, 17 faders, backlit scribble strip, mute groups, 7 inch screen
Producer - No scribble strip, No mute groups, 5 inch screen, rack-mountable
Rack - Rack-mount version. 


Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[815kb  JPEG]
X32 Compact
X32 Compact 
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
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X32 Compact Rear
X32 Compact Rear 
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[360kb  JPEG]
X32 Producer
X32 Producer 
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[913kb  JPEG]
X32 Producer Rear
X32 Producer Rear 
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
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X32 Rack
X32 Rack 
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[385kb  JPEG]
X32 Rack Rear
X32 Rack Rear 
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[557kb  JPEG]
X32 Rear
X32 Rear 
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[284kb  JPEG]

Behringer X32 Product Information Document (2016)
[24.25Mb PDF]

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