> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Channel Track

Channel Track  (1978)
Berkey Colortran

Channel Track 2 (from ETC Museum)

First OEM product that ETC made

"A new Lighting Control System that permits fast lighting level entry and recording. Digital entry key pads provide instantaneous control of all functions. Up to 1000 cues for each channel may be stored and activated in any sequence. Unlimited submaster capability permits random assignment of channel groups for fast level control."

Over 150 consoles were sold 1978 - 1982. 
ETC designed and manufactured the software, CPU board and faceplate, and Colortran provided the enclosure / case and the power supplies. The system introduced several novel technologies, including the ability to range-edit a single channel (Channel Track) and a serial digital communication system that anticipated DMX512 by more than eight years. 

See also:


ETC: Channel Track 
[External Website]
From ETC Museum Collection
Channel Track advert (from Theatre Design & Technology)
Channel Track advert (from Theatre Design & Technology) (December 1980)
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[168kb  JPEG]

Founding ETC Consoles (August 2024)
[External Website]
From ETC Museum Collection

Exhibits in the Backstage Heritage Collection

Channel Track 2  (1979)
Date to be confirmed
From ETC Museum Collection

Catalogue & Journal Entries for Channel Track in the Backstage Heritage Collection

Advert: Berkey Colortran U.K. (1979)

Product News - Memoria 80 (Cue - 1980)

Back to Control - Memory (Berkey Colortran)