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AutoYoke  (1999 - 2021)
City Theatrical

City Theatrical AutoYoke

City Theatrical's AutoYoke® (legacy product) is the First Automated Lighting Solution Designed for Theatrical Use.
The AutoYoke is the first affordable solution for converting theatrical lighting fixtures into full-featured moving lights. Smooth, accurate and quiet, the AutoYoke's DMX control allows you to pan and tilt the unit, as well as drive color scrollers. With the AutoYoke for Ellipsoidal, the optional DMX controlled AutoIris and AutoFocus also allow you to manipulate the size and sharpness of the beam of light. With the AutoYoke for Source Four™ PARNel, the motorized variable beamspread allows you to control the width of the beam of light..

AutoYoke for Ellipsoidal

AutoYoke for Source Four™ PARNel AutoYoke® Source Four LED AutoYoke®


Press Release: Retires the AutoYoke (August 2021)
[216kb PDF]

Classic Gear: Autoyoke (April 2024)
[External Website]
From Lighting & Sound International

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