> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > RS-100 Intercom

RS-100 Intercom  (1968 - )

From Clear-Com website:
"Founded on April 18, 1968, Clear-Com traces its humble beginning to a two-person team in San Francisco, California, USA, where the music scene flourished and ear-deafening music became the norm. It was at this time in history where Bob Cohen and Charlie Butten met and worked together to create the very first production intercom, known as the RS-100 distributed amplifier analog beltpack system. The RS-100 was an instant success, used for production communication by legendary San Francisco rock bands and artists such as Jefferson Airplane, Janis Joplin, and the Grateful Dead."


ClearCom Brochure 
[External Website]

RS-100A Manual (1982)
[External Website]

LSI - Classic Gear - Clear-Com (April 2018)
[727kb PDF]
From Lighting & Sound International

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