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HP Series  Crest Audio

Crest Audio HPW


Bridging the world between high quality audio designs and efficient construction techniques, the Crest Audio HP-Eight enters the market filling the increasing needs of the professional install and portable markets. 

The HP-Eight professional mixing console combines Crest's legendary high-quality audio design with modern, efficient construction. The HP-Eight is available in easily portable 24-channel and 32-channel models, as well as installation-size 40, 48 and 56-channel models, making this console ideal for a variety of medium-capacity live performance venues and houses of worship. This quality console also includes 10 aux sends on each mono input channel for use as a monitor mixer, plus five stereo line input channels with EQ, bus assignment and aux sends.

For example, Houses of Worship will find the HP-Eight filled with the functionality and performance that was once only available in much more expensive offerings. 

If extreme flexibility as well as exacting audio performance are required, the HP-Eight delivers those attributes and more to the budget-conscious installer and end user.

Backed by a five-year warranty, the HP-Eight follows the tradition of high audio quality and reliability as established by all previous Crest console products.

Design Focus

Designed for music and installation professionals alike, the HP-Eight from Crest packs high-end features and performance into an affordable, Pro 8-bus board.

The internal switching power supply on the HP-Eight is designed to work on worldwide voltages at 50 or 60 Hz, and a DC connector allows attachment of an optional, external backup supply for worry-free, redundant operation.This console is made in the U.S.A. and backed by the same five-year warranty that covers Crest's larger consoles.

This dual-purpose (monitor or FOH) console is available with 24 to 56 mono input channels and five stereo line/effects returns.

HP-W (44 frames)

Crest Audio is proud to introduce the NEW HP-W console. The HP-W console shares the diligent research and insight that inspired Crest Audio's HP-Eight consoles. Incorporating more features and flexibility to the HP-W while maintaining the audio quality and rugged build design the HP-Eight is known for. The HP-W is a perfect solution for such application as fixed installations, churches, stadiums, auditoriums, theater and corporate AV. Easy to use, flexibility and affordability makes the HP-W is a premier choice for the job. 

The HP-W is packed with many innovative features. HP-W has four stereo line input channels, which can be handled in a dual mono or split track application. With a pre source balance control, a discrete “blend" of the split track can then be sent to stage monitors via the aux sends. A second “blend" of the split track can be sent to the FOH system via the Left/Right mono busses by using the post source balance control. 

Standard on all HP-W consoles are 8 mono channels of AutoMix for “hands-off" spoken word mixing applications. With a push of a button to activate the AutoMix feature, the HP-W will automatically reduce the gain on microphones not being used, which nearly eliminates feedback. Having the AutoMix feature engaged will also diminish surrounding low frequencies and eradicate the chances of comb filtering. With or without the AutoMix enabled you can control the thresh hold of the compressors which are on the 8 AutoMix channels. 

Every channel on the HP-W is equipped with 48 volt phantom power, pad, polarity switches and PFL's options. In addition to an input gain control, four-band EQ is also provided with fixed high and low frequency points and sweep frequency control on the two mid bands. 10 auxiliary sends and Bus assignment, L/R, and Mono switches are also provided in addition to the 8 channel mute groups system and 100 mm faders.

Design Focus

Crest Audio strives for excellence in every product. The HP-W is no exception as we “raise the bar" again. The superior design and well-organized construction techniques, the HP-W is built to fill the increasing need when it comes to professional installations and portable markets.
Traditionally the level of reliability and excessive quality that Crest Audio puts into their products; the HP-W is the flagship of the HP Series.


HPW Front View
HPW Front View 
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[643kb  JPEG]
HPW Rear View
HPW Rear View 
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[386kb  JPEG]

HPW Specification Sheet 
[592kb PDF]

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