> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Mark VII Dimmer Rack

Mark VII Dimmer Rack  EDI

EDI Mark VII Dimmer Rack

The modular design of the Mark VII dimmer rack incorporates "Dead Front" construction, accomplished by recessing all high-voltage connectors in phenolic blocks for isolation and protection from electrical currents. Removable tray assemblies inside the Mark VII assure positive alignment of load and control connections, while allowing easy access for installation and maintenance. The system is phase-balanced engineered, with no more than two consecutively numbered dimmer outputs on the same phase.


P100 Datasheet (1997)
[126kb PDF]

P103 M7 Backup Datasheet (1998)
[99kb PDF]

Mark VII Dimmer Rack Manual rev3 (March 1998)
[402kb PDF]

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