> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > SCRimmer Stik Dimmer

SCRimmer Stik Dimmer  EDI

EDI SCRimmer Stik Dimmer

The SCRimmer Stik™ is designed to work with today's energy efficient high performance lamps. A flexible dimmer system can be created with outlets located where needed. The SCRimmer™ Stik comes with an input cord and connector rated for 20 amps, and is adaptable to either permanent or portable installation. The SCRimmer Stik™ accepts a standard 5-pin XLR style DMX connector for the optical isolated signal input. The SCRimmer™ Stik is furnished with a DMX output connector as well, which allows the DMX control signal to pass through the Stik to the next Stik in line.


SCRimmer Stik Specification 
[103kb PDF]

SCRimmer Stik Datasheet (February 2005)
[120kb PDF]

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