> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Reflection

Reflection  (1990s)
Electronic Theatre Controls / ETC

ETC Reflection

DMX Backup Console
Seamless backup for any DMX512 lighting console. Reflection remembers. Reflection lets you store up to 60 memories of lighting states from the main console and control them with 12 submaster sliders. The Backup monitors the output from your lighting console. If console output is interrupted, Reflection maintains the current state,alerts you to the failure in DMX512 transmission, and allows you to cross fade manually to any of your stored memories.


See also:


Arri Reflexion 
[376kb PDF]
From Jim Laws Collection

Reflection User Manual 
[145kb PDF]

Reflexion Technical Manual (December 1992)
[4.06Mb PDF]

Back to Control - Manual (Electronic Theatre Controls / ETC)