> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > LC2412

LC2412  Eurolight

Behringer Eurolight LC2412 v2

24 channel DMX lighting control
The EUROLIGHT LC2412 is a professional 24-channel DMX lighting console with 24 preset channels assignable to 512 DMX channels. 120 scenes are storable in 10 banks, and there is an integrated chaser with up to 650 steps that features sync-to-bass beat, plus a frequency-dependent sound-to-light function. Crossfade time is freely selectable, allowing for super-smooth scene fades, and there are two additional, multi-functional channels for special effects (e.g. fog machine, color changer etc.). Designed to provide multi-level control of a wide range of dimmer packs and special effects lighting components, the EUROLIGHT LC2412 provides universal control of all DMX-compatible systems – at a price bound to light up the eyes of even the most budget-concious stage manager!

NB: Designed to be used with generic lanterns connected to a dimmer pack. It has no functions to use with LED instruments or moving lights. 


LC2412 Manual 
[3.32Mb PDF]

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