> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Versa Dim Master Stage Switchboard

Versa Dim Master Stage Switchboard  Gaumont British

Versa Dim Master Stage Switchboard - 12 dimmers

9 way dimmer control with 18 circuits, or 12 way dimmer control with 24 circuits. 
Available in other configurations. 

Each circuit can be patched to a dimmer, or be full on or off. Each dimmer can be interlocked onto a single shaft to fade multiple dimmers at the same time. 


Versa Dim Master data sheet
Versa Dim Master data sheet 
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[400kb  JPEG]
From Jim Laws Collection

Exhibits in the Backstage Heritage Collection

Versa Dim Master Stage Switchboard (9 way)  (1942)
18 channels into 9 dimmers. 
From Jim Laws Collection

Back to Control - Direct (Gaumont British)