PC Spot (1989)
Morpheus Lights

Morpheus PC Spot
The Morpheus PC Spot was originally developed in 1989, and has been upgraded several times since, making it one of the longest lived moving head fixture products on the market. It uses a unique hybrid analog/digital servo system, with a single 8052 microcontroller able to operate 10 DC servo loops! Pan and Tilt axis operate in both position and velocity mode, and the fixture itself generates pan and tilt profiles for moves up to 25 seconds in length. The original PC Spot was controlled via a proprietary serial protocol, but an adapter board recently developed by ICD for Morpheus Lights allows the PC Spot to be controlled via DMX-512.
ICD developed the microcontroller software for the original PC Spot, and the hardware and software for the DMX-512 adapter.
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