> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Hi-Beam Video Projection System

Hi-Beam Video Projection System  (1983 - ?)

Hi-Beam mounted on a trolley

From New Scientist, 5 May 1983: 
Video is hitting the big screen. Rank has launched a video projection system for around £10 000 which will show clear bright pictures on a screen up to 8 metres wide. 
Anyone designing a television projector faces the problem of generating enough light for the system to work with a flat screen and wide viewing angle. Rank's Hi-Beam has three projection lenses and three 15-cm cathode-ray tubes. The tubes are driven by a 33kV supply, and cooled with a liquid heat sink. 
When the three colour images converge on the screen, they form a full colour picture, with a total light output of 350 lumens. The picture quality, even on a large screen, is surprisingly good. 

Catalogue & Journal Entries for Hi-Beam Video Projection System in the Backstage Heritage Collection

The Biggest TV in the World (1983)

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