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Miro Cubes  (2012)

Miro Cubes

13 September 2012 (from

Rosco has announced its joint venture partnership with The Black Tank, an advanced engineering group located north of Boston, MA to design, develop and distribute LED lighting fixtures to the entertainment and architecture markets.

The immediate result of this partnership was seen last weekend at the opening of the IBC Exhibition in Amsterdam and at the PLASA Show in London where Rosco debuted Miro Cube, its new line of wash lights based on Black Tank’s successful Brick Blaster fixtures. Three luminaires – Miro Cube 4C, Miro Cube WNC, and Miro Cube UV as well as a range of innovative mounting accessories – are targeted at lighting professionals in live entertainment, film and television, museums, architecture and theme parks.
“First of all, the products are fantastic. The engineering is so elegant and the light output is astounding. You can’t believe it’s coming out of this little four inch cube,” says Joshua Alemany, Rosco’s director of products. “But Rosco is really invested in the quality of light more than anything else. We have resisted jumping into LED lighting before now because we wanted to make sure we could offer the right balance of beautiful and subtle hues, faithful color rendering and flattering whites while hitting a price point that meets the expectations of our core customers around the world – the majority of whom are still struggling with slashed budgets. The guys at The Black Tank have turned out something astounding that has to be seen to be believed.”
Rosco will bring these and future products to market around the world, managing and expanding the sales, marketing and distribution efforts while The Black Tank will focus on the innovative design and engineering advances that are at the heart of these products. Rob Kodadek, president of The Black Tank, adds: “The Black Tank is really good at the technology part. A lot us have been working in LED lighting since it first came to this industry, part of the early teams at Color Kinetics others, and we know what LEDs do well and what still needs to be improved and we know how to get there. Our passion is to find the best solutions possible without having to build a Lamborghini that only the elite can afford. We want you to walk away thinking ‘There’s no way that little light is doing that. And for how much?!’ Rosco has 100 years of relationships with distributors, designers and architects around the world. There couldn’t be a better company to take these lights to market. Together, we’re going to do amazing things.”
The fit between Rosco and The Black Tank is obvious when you consider the fixtures and sales channels. But it is equally clear that there is a real synergy between Black Tank’s three founders, and the people at Rosco. Mark Engel, Rosco’s CEO, has characterised it this way: “We needed engineering and design skills at the very highest level and they need our long experience and relationships in the industry. But far more important, Rob Kodakek and his partners struck an immediately responsive chord with our product, marketing and financial people … and vice versa. Their entrepreneurial spirit is infectious and our appreciation for their skills and achievements has been equally stunning.
“In a joint venture, such as this one, a number of issues had to be resolved. But if the people chemistry is right – as it is here – there is nothing but success in sight.”


LSI: Rosco Cubes (March 2016)
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