> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Rama

Rama  (2007?)

Selecon Rama 175 PC

Range of LED and Tungsten (1000/1200W) Fresnels and PCs
Rama 150 Fresnel (150mm / 6 inch lens) [7 - 50 degrees]
- Standard model (posi-slide focus)
- Fast Focus Technology model, with precision preset capability of Pan, Tilt, Focus

Rama 175 Fresnel (175mm / 7 inch lens) [7 - 50 degrees]
The favourite of professional theatres around the world delivering superior output and beam quality than industry standard 150mm / 6" units.
- Standard model (posi-slide focus)
- Fast Focus Technology model, with precision preset capability of Pan, Tilt, Focus

Rama LED Fresnel (175mm / 7 inch lens Fresnel)  [7 - 50 degrees]

Rama 150 PC (150mm / 6 inch lens with lightly textured rear lens surface) [4.5 - 62 degrees]
- Standard model (posi-slide focus)
- Fast Focus Technology model, with precision preset capability of Pan, Tilt, Focus

Rama 175 PC (175mm / 7 inch lens PC, with optically ground rear surface and front moulded ‘diffusion’ edge, superior output with a unique quality of light.) [4.5 - 62 degrees]
"The world leader in beam quality" Francis Reid, eminent British lighting designer praises the Selecon 175mm lens in The Stage.
- Standard model (posi-slide focus) - Fast Focus Technology model, with precision preset capability of Pan, Tilt, Focus



Earth Continuity Testing Points 
[239kb PDF]

Rama 150 Fresnel (2007)
[183kb PDF]

Rama 175 FFT PC (2007)
[220kb PDF]

Rama Fresnel & PC User Manual (September 2010)
[255kb PDF]

Rama 150 FFT Fresnel (2014)
[128kb PDF]

Rama LED Fresnel (2014)
[151kb PDF]

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