> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Dynamic Dissolve System

Dynamic Dissolve System  Spindler & Sauppe Inc.

(From Ebay listing)
Spindler & Sauppe Dynamic Dissolve Model 772
Spindler & Sauppe Quadra Que Programmer Model 790

The SPINDLER & SAUPPE DYNAMIC DISSOLVE 772 IS AN ALL-PRO UNIT, designed for continuous use, it’s rugged and very versatile. The DISSOLVE RATE CONTROL extends to OVER A MINUTE (for the classiest, slow, almost surreal transitions imaginable). The control panel is tastefully lit for darkened room use. Discrete lights indicate function status. A class act.  The Quadra Que 1 is a 4 CHANNEL PROGRAMMER AND CUE READER. The BAT HANDLED SWITCHES go UP and DOWN from centre, and light in different colours as this is done so you know what type of cue is being created, and then read. SYNC pulses are generated and read by this unit. Typically, you record a soundtrack, play it back with your slides all cued up correctly, and then operate the  programmer, after connecting it properly to record on a track on your recorder.  A sync track is then created.  Then the tape is played again, with the Quadra Que reading the tape’s sync signals and translating that to operating the DYNAMIC DISSOLVE unit, which in turns operates the projectors with all the tasteful polish  of synchronization that you’ve just created.

Back to Projection (Spindler & Sauppe Inc.)