> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Bracket Handle

Bracket Handle  Strand

Bracket Handle from Regent Cinema, Hanley

Related Venues:


M292 Early Bracket Handle at Buxton Opera House
M292 Early Bracket Handle at Buxton Opera House 
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[2.58Mb  JPEG]
From Strand Slide Archive
Control at the Savoy Theatre
Control at the Savoy Theatre (March 1945)
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[121kb  JPEG]

1953 Theatrical Lighting - Control (February 1952)
From Bob Anderson Collection

1953 Theatrical Lighting - Control (1953)
Bracket Handle Installations
From Bob Anderson Collection

The Stage Revolves - The Assassin at the Savoy Theatre
[Video: Click on thumbnail]

Exhibits in the Backstage Heritage Collection

Bracket Handle  (1928)
From Gerriets Spotlight Museum Collection

Back to Control - Direct (Strand)