> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Cadenza Effects Projector

Cadenza Effects Projector  (1985 - 1996)

Cadenza Effects Projector with effects disc and objective lens

2000W Effects Projector
2000W (GY16, CP79 Halogen) Effects Projector. 
150mm diameter 3 element condensor lens with ON.20 glass.
150mm reflector
Lamp access power interlock (microswitch)
Dimensions: 400 x 415 x 370mm
Weight: 14.5kg (excluding effects disc)

Successor to the Patt.252 Effects Projector. 
Introduced in 1985. Replaced in 1996 by the Toccata EP.

See also:


Cadenza EP Datasheet 
[371kb PDF]
From Mervyn Gould Collection

The Strandbook - page 41 (1990)
Cadenza Spotlights
From Jim Laws Collection

1992 Insight Brochure - Page 4 (May 1992)
From Strand Archive

Catalogue & Journal Entries for Cadenza Effects Projector in the Backstage Heritage Collection

Cadenza EP - A New Effects Projector from Strand Lighting (1986)

Back to Lanterns (Named) (Strand)