> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Coda

Coda  (1983 - )

Coda 500/3

500W Cyc Flood
Coda 500/1 - 500W (R7s, K/1 lamp)
Coda 500/3 - 3 x 500W: 3 compartment flood (lamp as above)
Coda 500/4 - 4 x 500W: 4 compartment flood (lamp as above)

An asymmetrical distribution in the vertical plane to give an even spread over a vertical surface.

The 500/200W Coda range comprises single units and 3 and 4-compartment units, all reversible for lighting a cyclorama or backdrop from the top or bottom. The aysymmetrical light distribution ensures an even colour wash over a large area from units located close to one edge of the area. 

Colour filter size: 215mm x 240mm

See also:


Coda Flood Specification 
[39kb PDF]
From Strand Archive

Coda / Nocturne brochure (March 1983)
[2.4Mb PDF]
From Strand Archive

Theatre Lighting brochure (USA) (October 1987)
[534kb PDF]
From Strand Archive

The Strandbook - page 44 (1990)
From Jim Laws Collection

The Strandbook - page 45 (1990)
From Jim Laws Collection

1992 Insight Brochure - Page 3 (May 1992)
From Strand Archive

1.4.3 Coda / Nocturne datasheet (November 1995)
[255kb PDF]
From Strand Archive

1996 Strand Catalogue - Theatre Floodlights (1996)
From Strand Archive

1998-99 Strand Catalogue - Theatre Luminaires (1998)
From Jim Laws Collection

Coda & Nocturne Datasheet (1998)
[49kb PDF]
From Strand Archive

2000 Product Guide - page 27 (2000)
From Strand Archive

Catalogue & Journal Entries for Coda in the Backstage Heritage Collection

Start with the Coda (1983)

Back to Lanterns (Named) (Strand)