> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Galaxy 2

Galaxy 2  (1984)

768 channels - 3 individual systems (Arena, Studio & Premier)
See Galaxy for documents, photos and full details

Related Venues:

See also:


Galaxy 2 (Theatre Royal Glasgow?)
Galaxy 2 (Theatre Royal Glasgow?) (1985)
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[1.05Mb  JPEG]
From Alan Luxford Collection
Galaxy 2 (Theatre Royal Glasgow?)
Galaxy 2 (Theatre Royal Glasgow?) (1985)
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[1.03Mb  JPEG]
From Alan Luxford Collection

LSI Automated TV Studio Installation in Hannover (May 1988)
[3.19Mb PDF]
From Lighting & Sound International

Exhibits in the Backstage Heritage Collection

Galaxy 2 Preset Masters  
From Backstage Heritage Collection

Catalogue & Journal Entries for Galaxy 2 in the Backstage Heritage Collection

Advert: Strand Lighting at the new Swan Theatre (1986)

Back to Control - Memory (Strand)