> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Junior Interlock Dimmerboard

Junior Interlock Dimmerboard  Strand

Junior Interlock dimmer board (1963)

J1 Type
500 or 1000 Watt Sunset Former type dimmers, or 1000 / 2000 Sunset Element type, with plotting scale, interlocking to a pair of master wheels. 

J1/24 - 24 channels 1kW max sharing 12 x 500/1000 Watt dimmers
J1/30 - 30 channels 28 x 1kW max sharing 14 x 500/1000 Watt dimmers plus 2 x 1000/2000 Watt single dimmer channels.


Junior Interlock Dimmerboard Instructions 
[1.4Mb PDF]
From Frederick Brown Collection

1950 Price List - Page 2 (February 1950)
From Strand Archive

1963 Lighting for Entertainment page 15 (April 1963)
From Strand Archive

1969 Price List - Control - Page 7 (January 1969)
From Strand Archive

Back to Control - Direct (Strand)