> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Leko Range

Leko Range  (1933 - 1998)

Lekolite 8" x 13"

UK Range:
Leko 11 (8" x 13") 1000W 
Leko 18 (6" x 16") 1000W
Leko 26 (6" x 12") 1000W
Leko 40 (6" x 9") 1000W


Leko 15
Leko 20
Leko 30
Leko 40
Leko 50
Lekozoom 18/30 Coolbeam 600W
Lekozoom 25/50 Coolbeam 600W

USA Range:
2321/22 - Lekolite Spotlight 6" x 9" (152mm x 229mm) 500W / 750W
2112/11 - Lekolite Spotlight 6" x 12" (152 x 305mm) 500W / 750W / 1000W
2113/14 - Lekolite Spotlight 8" x 13" (203mm x 330mm) 500W / 750W / 1000W [see UK Leko 11]
2123/24 - Lekolite Spotligt 10" x 23" (254mm x 584mm) 500W / 750W / 1000W [2124 is the same, with an iris]
Leko Zoom 18/30 and Leko Zoom 25/50 (mid 1980s)
"New" Leko 1992 - 1998
Leko 2204 (4.5" x 6.5") 114mm x 165mm
Leko 2215 (6" x 12") 15 degree
Leko 2220 (6" x 16") 20 degree
Leko 2230 (16" x 12") 30 degree
Leko 2240 (6" x 9") 40 degree
Leko 2250 (4.5" x 6.5") 50 degree

Related Shows

Related People:


Century Leko Range
Century Leko Range 
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[667kb  JPEG]

Patent: Spotlight (Joseph Levy) (April 1937)
[External Website]

2112_13 Lekolite Spotlight Datasheet (1982)
[1.5Mb PDF]
From Strand Archive

2321/22 Lekolite Spotlight Datasheet (1982)
[189kb PDF]
From Strand Archive
Lekolite Zoom Poster
Lekolite Zoom Poster (1984)
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[967kb  JPEG]
From Strand Archive

A Guide to your new Strand Lekolite Spotlight (1985)
[189kb PDF]
From Strand Archive

2112 Lekolite Spotlight Datasheet (1986)
[1.4Mb PDF]
From Strand Archive

2112_13 Lekolite Spotlight Datasheet (1986)
[1.9Mb PDF]
From Strand Archive

2113 Lekolite Spotlight Datasheet (1986)
Known in the UK as Leko 11
[1.4Mb PDF]
From Strand Archive

2204 Datasheet (October 1986)
[1.36Mb PDF]

2205 Datasheet (October 1986)
[1.26Mb PDF]

2206 Datasheet (October 1986)
[1.51Mb PDF]

2209 Lekolite Spotlight (October 1986)
Known in the UK as Leko 40
[504kb PDF]
From Strand Archive

2216/17 Datasheet (October 1986)
[1.44Mb PDF]

Leko 2123/24 (October 1986)
[1.47Mb PDF]

Theatre Lighting brochure (USA) (October 1987)
[534kb PDF]
From Strand Archive

The Strandbook - page 43 (1990)
From Jim Laws Collection

Leko Datasheet (1992)
[17.5Mb PDF]
From Strand Archive

1992 Insight Brochure - Page 3 (May 1992)
From Strand Archive

Lekozoom Operating Instructions (1995)
[1.2Mb PDF]
From Strand Archive

Leko Fixed Focus Range UK (October 1995)
[280kb PDF]

1996 Strand Catalogue - Theatre Spotlights (1996)
From Strand Archive

Leko 18/30 & 25/50 Datasheet (November 1996)
[32kb PDF]
From Strand Archive

Lekolite UK Range (1998)
[28kb PDF]

Lekozoom UK Range (1998)
[33kb PDF]

Leko 40 Parts List and Exploded Diagram (April 1998)
[1.7Mb PDF]
From Strand Archive

Catalogue & Journal Entries for Leko Range in the Backstage Heritage Collection

Strand Spectacular (1987)

The Lekolite - 60 Years On (1992)

Advert: Re-born in the USA: The new look LEKO (1992)

Heading Dreamward (1993)

Down South (1996)

Back to Lanterns (Named) (Strand)