> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Light Palette

Light Palette  (1978 - 1988)

Light Palette

Strand Century product
1978: 256 max channels, 512 dimmers, 200 cues memorised
First used on Beatlemania, lit by Jules Fisher

1980: 1000 channels with 8 submasters.
This desk was the first use of VDUs in lighting control (by Strand).
The final version, known as V6E, was discontinued in April 1988. 

Selected Installations: 
Manchester Palace Theatre, 240 ways
Edinburgh Playhouse, 182 dimmers (later updated to V6E software), still in use in 1999?

Related Venues:

Related Shows

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See also:


Light Palette 
From David Cunningham Collection
Photo: Light Palette
Photo: Light Palette (1978)
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[73kb  JPEG]
From Strand Archive

Light Palette Brochure (November 1978)
[11Mb PDF]
From Strand Archive

1980 Stage Lighting - page 3 (February 1980)
From Roger Fox Collection

Light Palette Operation Manual (February 1980)
[18.23Mb PDF]
From Jim Laws Collection

Light Palette Installations (April 1980)
[872kb PDF]
From David Cunningham Collection

LSI: Classic Gear - Light Palette (November 2010)
[External Website]
From Lighting & Sound International

Exhibits in the Backstage Heritage Collection

Light Palette 1  
From The NEET Collection

Light Palette Stalls Control  
From The NEET Collection

Catalogue & Journal Entries for Light Palette in the Backstage Heritage Collection

Advert: Strand Light Palette (1979)

Contracts (1979)

Product News - Memoria 80 (Cue - 1980)

Congratulations Honest Ed Mirvish (1984)

The Three Hundredth Milestone (1987)

Break A Leg - Four Star Lighting (1992)

Back to Control - Memory (Strand)