> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Litescan - Showchangers

Litescan - Showchangers  (1987)

Strand Litescan

400W HTI moving profile
The 400 watt HTI Strand Litescan is a hard-edged automated fixture with two internal 16-colour changers, five gobos, remote control of iris, dowser and focus, variable speed and high digital accuracy. 

Stocked by Meteorlites in 1989


Automated Fixtures brochure (October 1987)
[541kb PDF]
From Strand Archive

LSI: Meteorlites 1989 (May 1989)
[1.11Mb PDF]
From Lighting & Sound International

Exhibits in the Backstage Heritage Collection

From The NEET Collection

Litescan Power Disto  
Power and control distribution for 6 Litescans
From The NEET Collection

Catalogue & Journal Entries for Litescan - Showchangers in the Backstage Heritage Collection

Strand Spectacular (1987)

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