> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Nocturne Flood

Nocturne Flood  (1983 - )

Nocturne 1000

500W / 1000W Flood
Nocturne 500 (500W linear R7s, K/1 lamp)
Nocturne 1000 (1000W linear R7s, K/4 lamp)

Symmetrical in the vertical plane with an even distribution, wide in the horizontal plane.

There are two models, a 500/200W unit and a larger 1kW unit. Nocturne provides a symmetrical light distribution with extra intensity in the centre for more directional lighting or increased throw.

Introduced in 1983


Nocturne Datasheet (1983)
[662kb PDF]
From Strand Archive

Coda / Nocturne brochure (March 1983)
[2.4Mb PDF]
From Strand Archive

1992 Insight Brochure - Page 3 (May 1992)
From Strand Archive

1.4.3 Coda / Nocturne datasheet (November 1995)
[255kb PDF]
From Strand Archive

Catalogue & Journal Entries for Nocturne Flood in the Backstage Heritage Collection

Start with the Coda (1983)

Strand Spectacular (1987)

Price List (1989)

Cyclorama Lights (1990)

Theatre Floodlights (1996)

Theatre Luminaires (1998)

Coda & Nocturne (2000)

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