> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Sunset Resistance Dimmers

Sunset Resistance Dimmers  (1945)

Type D Sunset Dimmer (1953)

Type A, Type A1, Type B, Type D, Wall Mounting Type
Type D: Developed for systems where the loads are in excess of the maximum for Type A.1 dimmer. 
Wall-Mounting Sunset Type: self-contained dimmer unit suitable for use on theatre auditorium or decorative lighting in lecture halls, churches etc or for master dimming on small stages.

Catalogue & Journal Entries for Sunset Resistance Dimmers in the Backstage Heritage Collection

Sunset Dimmers (1936)

Sunset Dimmers (1945)

Dimmers (1945)

Price List (1950)

Sunset Dimmers (1953)

Price List (1958)

Control Board Alphabet - S (1987)

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