> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Sunset Resistance Dimmers

Sunset Resistance Dimmers  (1945)

Type D Sunset Dimmer (1953)

Type A, Type A1, Type B, Type D, Wall Mounting Type
Type D: Developed for systems where the loads are in excess of the maximum for Type A.1 dimmer. 
Wall-Mounting Sunset Type: self-contained dimmer unit suitable for use on theatre auditorium or decorative lighting in lecture halls, churches etc or for master dimming on small stages.


1945 Strand Catalogue - Dimmers (August 1945)
From Strand Archive

1945 Strand Catalogue - Dimmers (August 1945)
From Strand Archive

1945 Strand Catalogue - Dimmers (August 1945)
From Strand Archive

1945 Strand Electric Brochure (December 1945)
From Jim Laws Collection

1950 Price List - Page 2 (February 1950)
From Strand Archive

1953 Theatrical Lighting - Dimmers (1953)
Type D Sunset Dimmer
From Bob Anderson Collection

1953 Theatrical Lighting - Dimmers (1953)
Types A and A.1
From Bob Anderson Collection

1953 Theatrical Lighting - Dimmers (February 1953)
Wall-Mount Sunset Dimmers
From Bob Anderson Collection

1958 Price List - page 10 (October 1958)
From Strand Archive

1961 Lighting for Entertainment - page 13 (1961)
From Strand Archive

1963 Lighting for Entertainment page 13 (April 1963)
From Strand Archive

Catalogue & Journal Entries for Sunset Resistance Dimmers in the Backstage Heritage Collection

Control Board Alphabet - S (1987)

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