> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Scroller - Showchangers

Scroller - Showchangers  Strand

Range of scrollers
Part of the Showchangers range of controllers and effects.

Parscroller:  3-16 colours, mounts onto Punchlite, variable speed colour change
Iris Scroller: Attach to the colour frame runners of the Iris 1 cyclorama top light. 
Scroller 12 (Pollux)
Scroller 12 (Bambino)
Scroller 8: For Cadenza spotlights
Scroller 6: For Leko spotlights


Automated Fixtures brochure (October 1987)
[541kb PDF]
From Strand Archive

Catalogue & Journal Entries for Scroller - Showchangers in the Backstage Heritage Collection

Strand Spectacular (1987)

Price List (1989)

Back to Colour Changers (Strand)