> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > LP / System LP (Luminous Preset)

LP / System LP (Luminous Preset)  (1966)

& Lightset

Related Venues:


LP Console
LP Console 
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From Alan Luxford Collection

1969 Catalogue - Page 10 (1969)
From Strand Archive

1969 Catalogue - Page 11 (1969)
From Strand Archive

1969 Price List - Control - Page 7 (January 1969)
From Strand Archive

1971 Stage Lighting (p.11) (October 1971)
From Strand Archive

1971 Stage Lighting (p.14) (October 1971)
From Strand Archive

LSI: Classic Gear - Strand LP (March 2014)
[External Website]
From Lighting & Sound International

Catalogue & Journal Entries for LP / System LP (Luminous Preset) in the Backstage Heritage Collection

Ideals and Realism in Lighting Control (II) (1966)

Back to Control - Manual (Strand)