Tempus / Tempus 2G (1980)

6,12,18,24,30,36 channels
Tempus 2-preset desks and Tempus portable dimmer packs combine to form the most comprehensive range of portable plug-together lighting controls for up to 36 or more control channels.
Tempus desks can also be interfaced with Permus dimmer racks for permanent installations, similarly Tempus dimmer packs are compatible with AMC or other Strand current and recent control systems.
Tempus 2-preset desks are manufactured for 12, 18, 24, 30 or 36 control channels all with the same facilities and varying only in overall length to accommodate the number of channel faders. All sizes are normally available for off-the-shelf delivery including the extension desk. without duplicated master faders, which simply plugs into any other Tempus desk to provide another 12 control channels.
All other Tempus 2-preset desks have a single, spilt crossfader for dipless and profiled proportional crossfades between the intensity levels set on the two presets of channel faders. Presets can be pile-added too, with the highest level taking precedence. In addition the rotary control allows crossfades to be automatically timed between 5 seconds and 5 minutes.
The Tempus range also includes a 6-lever control box complete with master fader to control just a minimal 6 channels and Discoplus desks for 3-channel sound to light and chase modulation. The 6-channel Discoplus desk includes individual channel fader and flash pushes; the 18 channel desk has the addition of cycle modulation but is used with any Tempus preset desk for individual channel control.
Each Tempus control desk has a 2 metre flexible control cable fitted with an 8-pole, mechanically latching plug for each block of 6 control channels. This plug mates with the control socket provided on the front panel of each Tempus dimmer pack. For remote control each control cable for 6 channels can be extended by a 5 metre or 19 metre control extension cable, complete with the necessary plug and socket. Extra-low voltage power supplies for the desk are derived, through the control cable, from each Tempus dimmer pack. A full range of accessories is available including padded transit covers for any Tempus desk or dimmer pack.
Tempus 2G variant launched in 1983 and had 2 groups and 2 presets.
Control cable wiring:
Using 8-pin Bleecon (locking DIN connector)
Pin 1 = Channel 1
Pin 2 = Channel 2
Pin 3 = Channel 3
Pin 4 = Channel 4
Pin 5 = Channel 5
Pin 6 = Channel 6
Pin 7 = Power
Pin 8 = Ground
See also:
Catalogue & Journal Entries for Tempus / Tempus 2G in the Backstage Heritage Collection
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