> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > TEN/20 Lighting Control

TEN/20 Lighting Control  (1968)


10 dimmers into 20 control channels. 
10 variable load Thyristor dimmers, 1 4000W maximum capacity, nine 2000W maximum. These ten dimmers are shared between 20 control channels.


Hire Charges - Strand Electric (February 1968)
From Frederick Brown Collection

1969 Catalogue - Type TEN/20 page 1 (December 1968)
From Strand Archive

1969 Catalogue - Type TEN/20 page 2 (December 1968)
From Strand Archive

1969 Price List - Control - Page 7 (January 1969)
From Strand Archive

1974 Spring Hire Price List - Page 10 (April 1974)
From Roger Fox Collection

Catalogue & Journal Entries for TEN/20 Lighting Control in the Backstage Heritage Collection

Portable Control Breakthrough At Last! (1966)

Back to Control - Direct (Strand)