Software: Tracker Strand
Application software for Genius Pro desks
Optional software package to extend the GeniusPro or Lightpalette software to include control of automated spotlights. Tracker software adds fully integrated moving light control to the base GeniusPro or Lightpalette operating software. Automated spotlights are selected with a single channel number and controlled functions are immediately available on the wheel, keyboard, tracker ball and rotary controls. Dedicated displays can be selected individually to display all attributes for a selected channel, or can be preset to swap automatically whenever a channel with attributes is selected. Intuitive user interface, smart recording into parts, cue tracking and dual playbacks make Tracker easy and fast to use.
See also:
- Software: Tracker
- Software: Lightpalette
- 300 Series (1998)
- 430 (1994 November)
- 530 / 550 (1995)
- 530i / 550i (1996)
- Software: Genius Pro
Catalogue & Journal Entries for Software: Tracker in the Backstage Heritage Collection
Back to Control - Memory (Strand)