CID (1979)
Thorn Lighting
Standard and hot restrike CID lamp
Thorn compact iodide daylight lamp
The CID lamp is a mefalhalide discharge arc lampwith a quartz entr'elope and is of extremely robust construction in single ended Torm of compacl dimensions. Tlre inlernational standard G3B base ensures that the hot restrike lamp can be readjly fitted inlo many existjng Iuminaires and slmplifies the design of new equipment. The CID Sealed Beam Hot Restrike Iamp consists of a high pressure metal halide discharge lamp enclosed within an 8 inch sealed beam glass envelope with a dichroic coated reflector. The extremely accurate positioning of the arc tube within the outer envelope gives a beam candle power in excess of 1 million candelas with a totaI spread of 20 degrees (to 1/10 peak).
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