> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > GM Series

GM Series  (1979?)
Thorn Lighting

Typical GM control desk

40-120 way 2 or 3 scene preset control.
2 or 3-scene preset systems wilh two or three quadrant faders per channel. Each channel fader has a three-position grouping switch allowing assignation to any one of three master faders per preset. Linear crossfade control allows 'dipless' crossfading between any master conlrolled groups. Includes switches for contactor controlled circuits, switched house-light faders and built-in cuelights with reply button. Option of override control for front of house lighting. Blackout switch for each master fader. Overall dead blackout switch.

Catalogue & Journal Entries for GM Series in the Backstage Heritage Collection

Symphony in Red (1979)

Back to Control - Manual (Thorn Lighting)