D Range Dimmer (1979?)
Thorn Lighting

PD 10/25 Portable Dimmer
Economically priced dimmers suitable for use with Club Series and other Thorn control systems. Performance and filtering to professionaì standards.
PD 10/25 Portable pack housing 10x 2.5KW dlmmers. Dimmer outputs vìa ìndividual 16A sockets.
PD 6/50 Portable pack housing 6 x 5KW dimmers. Dimmer outputs via individual sockets.
WD 10/25 Wall mounting pack housing 10 x 2.5KW dimmers. Dimmer outputs via terminals or optional socket box.
WD 6/50 Wall mounting pack housing 6 x 5KW dimmers. Outputs as WD 10/25.
FD 20/25 Floor mounted cabinet housing 20 x 2.5KW dÌmmers. All inputs and outputs via terminal strips.
FD 30/25 As FD 20/25 but housìng 30 x 2.5KW dimmers. Note that the FD type packs can be supplied to order with various combinalions of 2 5KW and 5.0KW dimmers.
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