Q-Master (1978 or earlier)
Thorn Lighting

Q-Master 2000 at the Garrick Theatre London
From 1978 catalogue
Two versions Q-Master 1000 and 2000, offer up to 160 channels and 50/100 electronic memories or up to 240 channels with unlimited disc memories. ln each version all control equipment excluding dimmers is housed within the desk. Principal Features
- lndividual channel faders for setting up memories.
Channels can be returned lo manual control singly or together at any time. - Complele lighting state instantly recorded in any selected memory.
- |ndependent simultaneous memory playback via three master faders.
- Memory addition and subtraction facilities.
- Automatic fades and crossfades.
- Blind plottìng and memory modification facility.
- Mimic lamps show status of active channels.
- Stand by manual control.
- Direct manual to playback transfer allows use as a three preset system without involving the memories.
Very suitable for small to medium theatre or television applications where full memory facililies are required.
- 40 to 160 channels with choice of 50 or 100 electronic memories.'
Specially designed for medium to large theatre applications requiring large memory capacity with repertoire 'library' storage of lighting plols.
- 80 to 240 channels.
- lnterchangeable magnetic memory discs with 300 memories per disc.
- Can be supplied with two disc units allowing disc to-disc copy¡ng and editing.
Related Venues:
Exhibits in the Backstage Heritage Collection
Catalogue & Journal Entries for Q-Master in the Backstage Heritage Collection
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