Q-Set (1972?)
Thorn Lighting

Q-Set 30 way two preset
From 1972 catalogue
Comprehensive Theatre Lighting Control System with Electronically Memorised Circuit Selections
This very versatile but easy to operate system combines the use of two or more banks of circuit intensity control levers with an extremely flexible group control system in which the identity of aII the circuìts in use in any group can be instantly recorded in one of one hundred electronic memories. These memorised selections of circuits can subsequently be brought into use under the control of any one of several group master faders serving each of the banks of individual circuit controls. Any number of memories may be added or subtracted to produce a composite result and these memory operations can take place either as an instant effect or as a fade action which can if required, take place automatically in a predetermrned time.
Although the intensity levels ofthe individual circuits are not memorised, the moderately priced Q-SET system provides an excellent means of controlling the lighting in medium sized theatres or television studios.
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