> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > mini-Artisan 2

mini-Artisan 2  (1994)

Mini Artisan 2 (from Reddit)

Up to 1000 cues for up to 1000 Vari*Lite luminaires or conventional lighting instruments. Linked to an outboard Macintosh computer, the mini-Artisan 2 approaches the programming power of the industry standard Artisan console.
Motorola 68040 processor.


Vari*Lite Brochure 1994 (1994)
[2.58Mb PDF]
From Backstage Heritage Collection

Vari*Lite Price List (1996)
[263kb PDF]
From Backstage Heritage Collection

LSI: Classic Gear - Artisan (December 2014)
[External Website]
From Lighting & Sound International

Exhibits in the Backstage Heritage Collection

Vari*Lite Mini-Artisan 2  
From AED Collection

Back to Control - Memory (Vari*Lite)