> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Autopilot

Autopilot  (1995 - 2008)

Wybron Autopilot II

The Autopilot is a 3-D tracking system that turns moving lights into automated followspots that track performers in real time. The faster, easier-to-use Autopilot II has expanded memory capacity that allows users to control up to 60 moving lights. The new system - with a user-friendly graphic interface - also will be able to support new moving lights as they come on the market; users simply download software for new fixtures from Wybron's Web site. With the push of a button, Autopilot II automatically calibrates receivers and spotlights. It couldn't be simpler! And, there's even an on-line users manual for easy trouble shooting. The graphical interface not only makes set-up a breeze but also allows the user to monitor the status of the entire system through the use of real-time stage diagrams and other monitoring displays.
The AutoPilot consists of a DMX compatible system controller, up to 4 transponder/beltpacks, and 5 to 8 receivers. When the system controller is connected between the lighting console and the automated lights, it allows all console-directed lighting parameters to pass through it as DMX data, except for "pan" and "tilt."

Each performer's beltpack sends a continuous stream of signals to the receivers overhead, which the system controller uses to locate the performers position relative to the stage area.
Using this information, the system controller generates continuous pan & tilt information and inserts it into the data stream as it's sent to the corresponding lights. If you choose, you can also ask the system controller to send data controlling zoom, focus, iris, and dimmer.


Autopilot 2 Specification 
[524kb PDF]
Autopilot 2 System Diagram
Autopilot 2 System Diagram 
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[71kb  JPEG]

Autopilot Datasheet 
[4.13Mb PDF]
From Rob Halliday Collection

LSI: Classic Gear - Wybron Autopilot (July 2012)
[External Website]
From Lighting & Sound International

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