Stage Shoes


Magic Eraser
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Shoe Marks

Many black rubber-soled shoes easily mark stage floors or dance floors. If the shoes are being worn by dancers, or for physical theatre, you should make every effort to have shoes with non-marking soles. 

Marks can be removed with Magic Erasers from vinyl floors and some painted surfaces, but the surface may be affected by the eraser. 
If shoe marks are likely to be a problem during the run of a show, it may be possible to apply a glaze treatment to the floor to seal the top surface of the paint. 
Tennis balls can also be used to buff out marks on vinyl floors. 


Stiletto heels will damage vinyl dance floors and can also damage some wooden floors. Avoid very narrow stiletto heels as much as possible. Use heel tips to reduce the damage to the floor. 

Tap Shoes

Ensure fixings on the shoes are tight, as loose screws will damage floors. 
Some vinyl dance floors can be damaged by tap shoes, so check with the manufacturer. 
Ideally use wooden boards to tap dance on. 


Keywords: boots marking floor, shoes floor, shoes marking floor